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* file
* by: xutaxkamay, KiD Fearless
* Retrieved from KiD-TAS (
* and edited to be part of shavit's Timer (
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.0, as published by the
* Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program. If not, see <>.
#if defined _shavit_tas_xutax_included
#define _shavit_tas_xutax_included
// reference code for CGameMovement::AirAccelerate & CGameMovement::AirMove at:
stock float AngleNormalize(float flAngle)
if (flAngle > 180.0)
flAngle -= 360.0;
else if (flAngle < -180.0)
flAngle += 360.0;
return flAngle;
stock float Vec2DToYaw(float vec[2])
float flYaw = 0.0;
if (vec[0] != 0.0 || vec[1] != 0.0)
float vecNormalized[2];
float flLength = SquareRoot(vec[0] * vec[0] + vec[1] * vec[1]);
vecNormalized[0] = vec[0] / flLength;
vecNormalized[1] = vec[1] / flLength;
// Credits to Valve.
flYaw = ArcTangent2(vecNormalized[1], vecNormalized[0]) * (180.0 / FLOAT_PI);
flYaw = AngleNormalize(flYaw);
return flYaw;
* So our problem here is to find a wishdir that no matter the angles we choose, it should go to the direction we want.
* So forward/right vector changing but not sidemove and forwardmove for the case where we modify our angles. (1)
* But in our case we want sidemove and forwardmove values changing and not the forward/right vectors. (2)
* So our unknown variables is fmove and smove to know the (2) case. But we know the (1) case so we can solve this into a linear equation.
* To make it more simplier, we know the wishdir values and forward/right vectors, but we do not know the fowardmove and sidemove variables
* and that's what we want to solve.
* That's what is doing this function, but only in 2D since we can only move forward or side.
* But, for noclip (3D) it's a different story that I will let you discover, same method, but 3 equations and 3 unknown variables (forwardmove, sidemove, upmove).
stock void Solve2DMovementsVars(float vecWishDir[2], float vecForward[2], float vecRight[2], float &flForwardMove, float &flSideMove, float flMaxMove)
// wishdir[0] = foward[0] * forwardmove + right[0] * sidemove;
// wishdir[1] = foward[1] * forwardmove + right[1] * sidemove;
// Let's translate this to letters.
// v = a * b + c * d
// w = e * b + f * d
// v = wishdir[0]; w = wishdir[1]...
// Now let's solve it with online solver
float v = vecWishDir[0];
float w = vecWishDir[1];
float a = vecForward[0];
float c = vecRight[0];
float e = vecForward[1];
float f = vecRight[1];
float flDivide = (c * e - a * f);
if(flDivide == 0.0)
flForwardMove = flMaxMove;
flSideMove = 0.0;
flForwardMove = (c * w - f * v) / flDivide;
flSideMove = (e * v - a * w) / flDivide;
stock float GetThetaAngleInAir(float flVelocity[2], float flAirAccelerate, float flMaxSpeed, float flSurfaceFriction, float flFrametime, float flAirSpeedCap)
// In order to solve this, we must check that accelspeed < 30
// so it applies the correct strafing method.
// So there is basically two cases:
// if 30 - accelspeed <= 0 -> We use the perpendicular of velocity.
// but if 30 - accelspeed > 0 the dot product must be equal to = 30 - accelspeed
// in order to get the best gain.
// First case is theta == 90
// How to solve the second case?
// here we go
// d = velocity2DLength * cos(theta)
// cos(theta) = d / velocity2D
// theta = arcos(d / velocity2D)
float flAccelSpeed = flAirAccelerate * flMaxSpeed * flSurfaceFriction * flFrametime;
float flWantedDotProduct = flAirSpeedCap - flAccelSpeed;
if (flWantedDotProduct > 0.0)
float flVelLength2D = SquareRoot(flVelocity[0] * flVelocity[0] + flVelocity[1] * flVelocity[1]);
if(flVelLength2D == 0.0)
return 90.0;
float flCosTheta = flWantedDotProduct / flVelLength2D;
if (flCosTheta > 1.0)
flCosTheta = 1.0;
else if(flCosTheta < -1.0)
flCosTheta = -1.0;
float flTheta = ArcCosine(flCosTheta) * (180.0 / FLOAT_PI);
return flTheta;
return 90.0;
// Same as above, but this time we calculate max delta angle
// so we can change between normal strafer and autostrafer depending on the player's viewangles difference.
/*float GetMaxDeltaInAir(float flVelocity[2], float flAirAccelerate, float flMaxSpeed, float flSurfaceFriction, float flFrametime)
float flAccelSpeed = flAirAccelerate * flMaxSpeed * flSurfaceFriction * flFrametime;
if (flAccelSpeed >= g_flAirSpeedCap)
flAccelSpeed = g_flAirSpeedCap;
float flVelLength2D = SquareRoot(flVelocity[0] * flVelocity[0] + flVelocity[1] * flVelocity[1]);
float flMaxDelta = ArcTangent2(flAccelSpeed, flVelLength2D) * (180 / FLOAT_PI);
return flMaxDelta;
stock float SimulateAirAccelerate(float flVelocity[2], float flWishDir[2], float flAirAccelerate, float flMaxSpeed, float flSurfaceFriction, float flFrametime, float flVelocityOutput[2], float flAirSpeedCap)
float flWishSpeedCapped = flMaxSpeed;
// Cap speed
if( flWishSpeedCapped > flAirSpeedCap )
flWishSpeedCapped = flAirSpeedCap;
// Determine veer amount
float flCurrentSpeed = flVelocity[0] * flWishDir[0] + flVelocity[1] * flWishDir[1];
// See how much to add
float flAddSpeed = flWishSpeedCapped - flCurrentSpeed;
// If not adding any, done.
if( flAddSpeed <= 0.0 )
// Determine acceleration speed after acceleration
float flAccelSpeed = flAirAccelerate * flMaxSpeed * flFrametime * flSurfaceFriction;
// Cap it
if( flAccelSpeed > flAddSpeed )
flAccelSpeed = flAddSpeed;
flVelocityOutput[0] = flVelocity[0] + flAccelSpeed * flWishDir[0];
flVelocityOutput[1] = flVelocity[1] + flAccelSpeed * flWishDir[1];
// The idea is to get the maximum angle
stock float GetMaxDeltaInAir(float flVelocity[2], float flMaxSpeed, float flSurfaceFriction, bool bLeft, float flAirAccelerate, float flAirSpeedCap)
float flFrametime = GetTickInterval();
float flTheta = GetThetaAngleInAir(flVelocity, flAirAccelerate, flMaxSpeed, flSurfaceFriction, flFrametime, flAirSpeedCap);
// Convert velocity 2D to angle.
float flYawVelocity = Vec2DToYaw(flVelocity);
// Get the best yaw direction on the right.
float flBestYawRight = AngleNormalize(flYawVelocity + flTheta);
// Get the best yaw direction on the left.
float flBestYawLeft = AngleNormalize(flYawVelocity - flTheta);
float flTemp[3], vecBestLeft3D[3], vecBestRight3D[3];
flTemp[0] = 0.0;
flTemp[1] = flBestYawLeft;
flTemp[2] = 0.0;
GetAngleVectors(flTemp, vecBestLeft3D, ZERO_VECTOR, ZERO_VECTOR);
flTemp[0] = 0.0;
flTemp[1] = flBestYawRight;
flTemp[2] = 0.0;
GetAngleVectors(flTemp, vecBestRight3D, ZERO_VECTOR, ZERO_VECTOR);
float vecBestRight[2], vecBestLeft[2];
vecBestRight[0] = vecBestRight3D[0];
vecBestRight[1] = vecBestRight3D[1];
vecBestLeft[0] = vecBestLeft3D[0];
vecBestLeft[1] = vecBestLeft3D[1];
float flCalcVelocityLeft[2], flCalcVelocityRight[2];
// Simulate air accelerate function in order to get the new max gain possible on both side.
SimulateAirAccelerate(flVelocity, vecBestLeft, flAirAccelerate, flMaxSpeed, flFrametime, flSurfaceFriction, flCalcVelocityLeft, flAirSpeedCap);
SimulateAirAccelerate(flVelocity, vecBestRight, flAirAccelerate, flMaxSpeed, flFrametime, flSurfaceFriction, flCalcVelocityRight, flAirSpeedCap);
float flNewBestYawLeft = Vec2DToYaw(flCalcVelocityLeft);
float flNewBestYawRight = Vec2DToYaw(flCalcVelocityRight);
// Then get the difference in order to find the maximum angle.
if (bLeft)
return FloatAbs(AngleNormalize(flYawVelocity - flNewBestYawLeft));
return FloatAbs(AngleNormalize(flYawVelocity - flNewBestYawRight));
// Do an estimate otherwhise.
// return FloatAbs(AngleNormalize(flNewBestYawLeft - flNewBestYawRight) / 2.0);
stock void GetIdealMovementsInAir(float flYawWantedDir, float flVelocity[2], float flMaxSpeed, float flSurfaceFriction, float &flForwardMove, float &flSideMove, bool bPreferRight, float flAirAccelerate, float flMaxMove, float flAirSpeedCap)
float flFrametime = GetTickInterval();
float flYawVelocity = Vec2DToYaw(flVelocity);
// Get theta angle
float flTheta = GetThetaAngleInAir(flVelocity, flAirAccelerate, flMaxSpeed, flSurfaceFriction, flFrametime, flAirSpeedCap);
// Get the best yaw direction on the right.
float flBestYawRight = AngleNormalize(flYawVelocity + flTheta);
// Get the best yaw direction on the left.
float flBestYawLeft = AngleNormalize(flYawVelocity - flTheta);
float vecBestDirLeft[3], vecBestDirRight[3];
float tempAngle[3];
tempAngle[0] = 0.0;
tempAngle[1] = flBestYawRight;
tempAngle[2] = 0.0;
GetAngleVectors(tempAngle, vecBestDirRight, ZERO_VECTOR, ZERO_VECTOR);
tempAngle[0] = 0.0;
tempAngle[1] = flBestYawLeft;
tempAngle[2] = 0.0;
GetAngleVectors(tempAngle, vecBestDirLeft, ZERO_VECTOR, ZERO_VECTOR);
// Our wanted direction.
float vecBestDir[2];
// Let's follow the most the wanted direction now with max possible gain.
float flDiffYaw = AngleNormalize(flYawWantedDir - flYawVelocity);
if (flDiffYaw > 0.0)
vecBestDir[0] = vecBestDirRight[0];
vecBestDir[1] = vecBestDirRight[1];
else if(flDiffYaw < 0.0)
vecBestDir[0] = vecBestDirLeft[0];
vecBestDir[1] = vecBestDirLeft[1];
// Going straight.
if (bPreferRight)
vecBestDir[0] = vecBestDirRight[0];
vecBestDir[1] = vecBestDirRight[1];
vecBestDir[0] = vecBestDirLeft[0];
vecBestDir[1] = vecBestDirLeft[1];
float vecForwardWantedDir3D[3], vecRightWantedDir3D[3];
float vecForwardWantedDir[2], vecRightWantedDir[2];
tempAngle[0] = 0.0;
tempAngle[1] = flYawWantedDir;
tempAngle[2] = 0.0;
// Convert our yaw wanted direction to vectors.
GetAngleVectors(tempAngle, vecForwardWantedDir3D, vecRightWantedDir3D, ZERO_VECTOR);
vecForwardWantedDir[0] = vecForwardWantedDir3D[0];
vecForwardWantedDir[1] = vecForwardWantedDir3D[1];
vecRightWantedDir[0] = vecRightWantedDir3D[0];
vecRightWantedDir[1] = vecRightWantedDir3D[1];
// Solve the movement variables from our wanted direction and the best gain direction.
Solve2DMovementsVars(vecBestDir, vecForwardWantedDir, vecRightWantedDir, flForwardMove, flSideMove, flMaxMove);
float flLengthMovements = SquareRoot(flForwardMove * flForwardMove + flSideMove * flSideMove);
if(flLengthMovements != 0.0)
flForwardMove /= flLengthMovements;
flSideMove /= flLengthMovements;
stock Action XutaxOnPlayerRunCmd(int client, int& buttons, int& impulse, float vel[3], float angles[3], int& weapon, int& subtype, int& cmdnum, int& tickcount, int& seed, int mouse[2],
float flAirAccelerate, float flSurfaceFriction, float flAirSpeedCap, float flMaxMove, float flOldYawAngle, float fPower)
// clear out forward because Surf_W_Okay is nice...
vel[0] = 0.0;
float flFowardMove, flSideMove;
float flMaxSpeed = GetEntPropFloat(client, Prop_Data, "m_flMaxspeed");
float flVelocity[3], flVelocity2D[2];
GetEntPropVector(client, Prop_Data, "m_vecVelocity", flVelocity);
flVelocity2D[0] = flVelocity[0];
flVelocity2D[1] = flVelocity[1];
// PrintToChat(client, "%f", SquareRoot(flVelocity2D[0] * flVelocity2D[0] + flVelocity2D[1] * flVelocity2D[1]));
GetIdealMovementsInAir(angles[1], flVelocity2D, flMaxSpeed, flSurfaceFriction, flFowardMove, flSideMove, true, flAirAccelerate, flMaxMove, flAirSpeedCap);
float flAngleDifference = AngleNormalize(angles[1] - flOldYawAngle);
float flCurrentAngles = FloatAbs(flAngleDifference);
// Right
if (flAngleDifference < 0.0)
float flMaxDelta = GetMaxDeltaInAir(flVelocity2D, flMaxSpeed, flSurfaceFriction, true, flAirAccelerate, flAirSpeedCap);
if (flCurrentAngles <= flMaxDelta * fPower)
vel[0] = flFowardMove * flMaxMove;
vel[1] = flSideMove * flMaxMove;
vel[1] = flMaxMove;
else if (flAngleDifference > 0.0)
float flMaxDelta = GetMaxDeltaInAir(flVelocity2D, flMaxSpeed, flSurfaceFriction, false, flAirAccelerate, flAirSpeedCap);
if (flCurrentAngles <= flMaxDelta * fPower)
vel[0] = flFowardMove * flMaxMove;
vel[1] = flSideMove * flMaxMove;
vel[1] = -flMaxMove;
vel[0] = flFowardMove * flMaxMove;
vel[1] = flSideMove * flMaxMove;
return Plugin_Continue;