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2023-03-21 09:36:39 +01:00

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* shavit's Timer - replay file stocks & format
* by: shavit, rtldg, KiD Fearless, carnifex, Nairda, EvanIMK
* This file is part of shavit's Timer (
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.0, as published by the
* Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program. If not, see <>.
#if defined _shavit_replay_file_included
#define _shavit_replay_file_included
// 0x01: standard origin[3], angles[2], and buttons
// 0x02: flags added movetype added
// 0x03: integrity stuff: style, track, and map added to header. preframe count added (unimplemented until later though)
// 0x04: steamid/accountid written as a 32-bit int instead of a string
// 0x05: postframes & fTickrate added
// 0x06: mousexy and vel added
// 0x07: fixed iFrameCount because postframes were included in the value when they shouldn't be
// 0x08: added zone-offsets to header
// 0x09: bumped with no actual file changes because time calculation in regards to offsets have been changed/fixed since it seems to have been using the end-zone-offset incorrectly (and should now be fine hopefully since 2021-12-21 / a146b51fb16febf1847657fba7ef9e0c056d7476)
#define REPLAY_FRAMES_PER_WRITE 100 // amounts of frames to write per read/write call
enum struct replay_header_t
char sReplayFormat[40];
int iReplayVersion;
int iStyle;
int iTrack;
int iPreFrames;
int iFrameCount;
float fTime;
int iSteamID;
int iPostFrames;
float fTickrate;
float fZoneOffset[2];
enum struct frame_t
float pos[3];
float ang[2];
int buttons;
// iReplayVersion >= 0x02
int flags;
MoveType mt;
// Everything below is generally NOT loaded into memory for playback
// iReplayVersion >= 0x06
int mousexy; // `mousex | (mousey << 16)` // unpack with UnpackSignedShorts
int vel; // basically `forwardmove | (sidemove << 16)` // unpack with UnpackSignedShorts
enum struct frame_cache_t
int iFrameCount;
float fTime;
bool bNewFormat;
int iReplayVersion;
char sReplayName[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
int iPreFrames;
ArrayList aFrames;
// iReplayVersion >= 0x05
int iPostFrames;
float fTickrate;
// blah blah not affected by iReplayVersion
int iSteamID;
// Can be used to unpack frame_t.mousexy and frame_t.vel
stock void UnpackSignedShorts(int x, int[] out)
out[0] = ((x & 0xFFFF) ^ 0x8000) - 0x8000;
out[1] = (((x >> 16) & 0xFFFF) ^ 0x8000) - 0x8000;
stock bool LoadReplayCache(frame_cache_t cache, int style, int track, const char[] path, const char[] mapname)
bool success = false;
replay_header_t header;
File fFile = ReadReplayHeader(path, header, style, track);
if (fFile != null)
if (header.iReplayVersion > REPLAY_FORMAT_SUBVERSION)
// not going to try and read it
else if (header.iReplayVersion < 0x03 || (StrEqual(header.sMap, mapname, false) && header.iStyle == style && header.iTrack == track))
success = ReadReplayFrames(fFile, header, cache);
delete fFile;
return success;
stock bool ReadReplayFrames(File file, replay_header_t header, frame_cache_t cache)
int total_cells = 6;
int used_cells = 6;
bool is_btimes = false;
if (header.iReplayVersion > 0x01)
total_cells = 8;
used_cells = 8;
// We have differing total_cells & used_cells because we want to save memory during playback since the latest two cells added (vel & mousexy) aren't needed and are only useful for replay file anticheat usage stuff....
if (header.iReplayVersion >= 0x06)
total_cells = 10;
used_cells = 8;
any aReplayData[sizeof(frame_t)];
delete cache.aFrames;
int iTotalSize = header.iFrameCount + header.iPreFrames + header.iPostFrames;
cache.aFrames = new ArrayList(used_cells, iTotalSize);
if (!header.sReplayFormat[0]) // old replay format. no header.
char sLine[320];
char sExplodedLine[6][64];
if(!file.Seek(0, SEEK_SET))
return false;
while (!file.EndOfFile())
file.ReadLine(sLine, 320);
int iStrings = ExplodeString(sLine, "|", sExplodedLine, 6, 64);
aReplayData[0] = StringToFloat(sExplodedLine[0]);
aReplayData[1] = StringToFloat(sExplodedLine[1]);
aReplayData[2] = StringToFloat(sExplodedLine[2]);
aReplayData[3] = StringToFloat(sExplodedLine[3]);
aReplayData[4] = StringToFloat(sExplodedLine[4]);
aReplayData[5] = (iStrings == 6) ? StringToInt(sExplodedLine[5]) : 0;
cache.aFrames.PushArray(aReplayData, 6);
cache.iFrameCount = cache.aFrames.Length;
else // assumes the file position will be at the start of the frames
is_btimes = StrEqual(header.sReplayFormat, "btimes");
for (int i = 0; i < iTotalSize; i++)
if(file.Read(aReplayData, total_cells, 4) >= 0)
cache.aFrames.SetArray(i, aReplayData, used_cells);
if (is_btimes && (aReplayData[5] & IN_BULLRUSH))
if (!header.iPreFrames)
header.iPreFrames = i;
header.iFrameCount -= i;
else if (!header.iPostFrames)
header.iPostFrames = header.iFrameCount + header.iPreFrames - i;
header.iFrameCount -= header.iPostFrames;
if (cache.aFrames.Length <= 10) // worthless replay so it doesn't get to load
delete cache.aFrames;
return false;
cache.iFrameCount = header.iFrameCount;
cache.fTime = header.fTime;
cache.iReplayVersion = header.iReplayVersion;
cache.bNewFormat = StrEqual(header.sReplayFormat, REPLAY_FORMAT_FINAL) || is_btimes;
cache.sReplayName = "unknown";
cache.iPreFrames = header.iPreFrames;
cache.iPostFrames = header.iPostFrames;
cache.fTickrate = header.fTickrate;
cache.iSteamID = header.iSteamID;
if (cache.iSteamID != 0)
FormatEx(cache.sReplayName, sizeof(cache.sReplayName), "[U:1:%u]", cache.iSteamID);
return true;
stock File ReadReplayHeader(const char[] path, replay_header_t header, int style = 0, int track = 0)
replay_header_t empty_header;
header = empty_header;
File file = OpenFile(path, "rb");
if (file == null)
return null;
char sHeader[64];
if(!file.ReadLine(sHeader, 64))
delete file;
return null;
char sExplodedHeader[2][64];
ExplodeString(sHeader, ":", sExplodedHeader, 2, 64);
strcopy(header.sReplayFormat, sizeof(header.sReplayFormat), sExplodedHeader[1]);
if(StrEqual(header.sReplayFormat, REPLAY_FORMAT_FINAL)) // hopefully, the last of them
int version = StringToInt(sExplodedHeader[0]);
header.iReplayVersion = version;
// replay file integrity and PreFrames
if(version >= 0x03)
file.ReadString(header.sMap, PLATFORM_MAX_PATH);
// In case the replay was from when there could still be negative preframes
if(header.iPreFrames < 0)
header.iPreFrames = 0;
if (header.iReplayVersion < 0x07)
header.iFrameCount -= header.iPreFrames;
if(version >= 0x04)
char sAuthID[32];
file.ReadString(sAuthID, 32);
ReplaceString(sAuthID, 32, "[U:1:", "");
ReplaceString(sAuthID, 32, "]", "");
header.iSteamID = StringToInt(sAuthID);
if (version >= 0x05)
if (header.iReplayVersion < 0x07)
header.iFrameCount -= header.iPostFrames;
if (version >= 0x08)
else if(StrEqual(header.sReplayFormat, REPLAY_FORMAT_V2))
header.iFrameCount = StringToInt(sExplodedHeader[0]);
else // old, outdated and slow - only used for ancient replays
// check for btimes replays
file.Seek(0, SEEK_SET);
any stuff[2];
file.Read(stuff, 2, 4);
int btimes_player_id = stuff[0];
float run_time = stuff[1];
if (btimes_player_id >= 0 && run_time > 0.0 && run_time < (10.0 * 60.0 * 60.0))
header.sReplayFormat = "btimes";
header.fTime = run_time;
file.Seek(0, SEEK_END);
header.iFrameCount = (file.Position / 4 - 2) / 6;
file.Seek(2*4, SEEK_SET);
if (header.iReplayVersion < 0x03)
header.iStyle = style;
header.iTrack = track;
if (header.iReplayVersion < 0x05)
header.fTickrate = (1.0 / GetTickInterval()); // just assume it's our own tickrate...
return file;
stock void WriteReplayHeader(File fFile, int style, int track, float time, int steamid, int preframes, int postframes, float fZoneOffset[2], int iSize, float tickrate, const char[] sMap)
fFile.WriteString(sMap, true);
fFile.WriteInt32(iSize - preframes - postframes);
// file_a is usually used as the wr replay file.
// file_b is usually used as the duplicate/backup replay file.
stock void WriteReplayFrames(ArrayList playerrecording, int iSize, File file_a, File file_b)
any aFrameData[sizeof(frame_t)];
any aWriteData[sizeof(frame_t) * REPLAY_FRAMES_PER_WRITE];
int iFramesWritten = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < iSize; i++)
playerrecording.GetArray(i, aFrameData, sizeof(frame_t));
for(int j = 0; j < sizeof(frame_t); j++)
aWriteData[(sizeof(frame_t) * iFramesWritten) + j] = aFrameData[j];
if(++iFramesWritten == REPLAY_FRAMES_PER_WRITE || i == iSize - 1)
if (file_a)
file_a.Write(aWriteData, sizeof(frame_t) * iFramesWritten, 4);
if (file_b)
file_b.Write(aWriteData, sizeof(frame_t) * iFramesWritten, 4);
iFramesWritten = 0;