All checks were successful
R1ko-Shop-Core / R1ko-Shop-Core (push) Successful in 5s
406 lines
14 KiB
406 lines
14 KiB
#include <sourcemod>
#include <sdktools>
#include <shop>
#include <shavit>
#include <convar_class>
#pragma semicolon 1
#pragma newdecls required
#define PLUGIN_VERSION "1.4.8"
chatstrings_t gS_ChatStrings;
public Plugin myinfo =
name = "[shavit] Credits | R1ko Shop",
author = "SaengerItsWar",
description = "Gives R1ko Shop Credits for records",
url = ""
// convars
Convar g_cvNormalEnabled;
Convar g_cvWREnabled;
Convar g_cvEnabledPb;
Convar g_cvT1Enabled;
Convar g_cvNormalAmount;
Convar g_cvNormalAmountAgain;
Convar g_cvWrAmount;
Convar g_cvWrAmountAgain;
Convar g_cvPBAmount;
Convar g_cvPBAmountAgain;
Convar g_cvBNormalEnabled;
Convar g_cvBWREnabled;
Convar g_cvEnabledBPb;
Convar g_cvNormalBAmount;
Convar g_cvNormalBAmountAgain;
Convar g_cvWrBAmount;
Convar g_cvWrBAmountAgain;
Convar g_cvBPbAmount;
Convar g_cvBPbAmountAgain;
Convar g_cvTasEnabled;
Convar g_cvNewCalc;
char g_cMap[160];
int g_iTier;
int g_iStyle[MAXPLAYERS + 1];
float g_fPB[MAXPLAYERS + 1];
int g_iCompletions[MAXPLAYERS + 1];
public void OnAllPluginsLoaded()
if (!LibraryExists("shop"))
SetFailState("R1ko's Shop is required for the plugin to work.");
else if (!LibraryExists("shavit-wr"))
SetFailState("Shavit WR is required for the plugin to work.");
else if (!LibraryExists("shavit-rankings"))
SetFailState("Shavit Rankings is required for the plugin to work.");
public void OnPluginStart()
CreateConVar("shavit_credtis_version", PLUGIN_VERSION, "R1ko-Shop : Shavit Credits for records", FCVAR_NOTIFY | FCVAR_DONTRECORD);
g_cvNormalEnabled = new Convar("credits_enable_normal", "1", "Enable Store credits given for finishing a map?", 0, true, 0.0, true, 1.0);
g_cvWREnabled = new Convar("credits_enable_wr", "1", "Enable Store credits given for greaking the map Record?", 0, true, 0.0, true, 1.0);
g_cvEnabledPb = new Convar("credits_enable_pb", "1", "Enable Store credits given for breaking the map Personal Best?", 0, true, 0.0, true, 1.0);
g_cvT1Enabled = new Convar("credits_enable_t1", "0", "Enable/Disable given credits for Tier 1. This has no effect on WRs and PBs!", 0, true, 0.0, true, 1.0);
g_cvNormalAmount = new Convar("credits_amount_normal", "10.0", "How many points should be given for finishing a Map?(will be claculated per Tier(amount_normal*Tier))", 0, true, 1.0, false);
g_cvNormalAmountAgain = new Convar("credits_amount_normal_again", "5.0", "How many points should be given for finishing a Map Again?(will be claculated per Tier(amount_normal*Tier))", 0, true, 1.0, false);
g_cvWrAmount = new Convar("credits_amount_wr", "25.0", "How many points should be given for breaking a Map record?(will be calculated per Tier(amount_wr*Tier))", 0, true, 1.0, false);
g_cvWrAmountAgain = new Convar("credits_amount_wr_again", "12.0", "How many points should be given for breaking a Map record Again?(will be calculated per Tier(amount_wr*Tier))", 0, true, 1.0, false);
g_cvPBAmount = new Convar("credits_amount_pb", "10.0", "How many point should be given for breaking the own Personal Best?(will be calculated per Tier(amount_pb*Tier))", 0, true, 1.0, false);
g_cvPBAmountAgain = new Convar("credits_amount_pb_again", "5.0", "How many point should be given for breaking the own Personal Best Again?(will be calculated per Tier(amount_pb*Tier))", 0, true, 1.0, false);
g_cvBNormalEnabled = new Convar("credits_enable_normal_bonus", "0", "Enable Store credits given for finishing a map?", 0, true, 0.0, true, 1.0);
g_cvBWREnabled = new Convar("credits_enable_wr_bonus", "0", "Enable Store credits given for greaking the map Record?", 0, true, 0.0, true, 1.0);
g_cvEnabledBPb = new Convar("credits_enable_pb_bonus", "0", "Enable Store credits given for breaking the map Personal Best?", 0, true, 0.0, true, 1.0);
g_cvNormalBAmount = new Convar("credits_amount_normal_bonus", "10.0", "How many points should be given for finishing a Map?", 0, true, 1.0, false);
g_cvNormalBAmountAgain = new Convar("credits_amount_normal_bonus_again", "5.0", "How many points should be given for finishing a Map Again?", 0, true, 1.0, false);
g_cvWrBAmount = new Convar("credits_amount_wr_bonus", "25.0", "How many points should be given for breaking a Map record?", 0, true, 1.0, false);
g_cvWrBAmountAgain = new Convar("credits_amount_wr_bonus_again", "12.0", "How many points should be given for breaking a Map record Again?", 0, true, 1.0, false);
g_cvBPbAmount = new Convar("credits_amount_pb_bonus", "10.0", "How many point should be given for breaking the own Personal Best?", 0, true, 1.0, false);
g_cvBPbAmountAgain = new Convar("credits_amount_pb_bonus_again", "5.0", "How many point should be given for breaking the own Personal Best Again?", 0, true, 1.0, false);
g_cvTasEnabled = new Convar("credits_tas_enabled", "0", "Enable Store Credits for a TAS Style?", 0, true, 0.0, true, 1.0);
g_cvNewCalc = new Convar("credits_new_calculation", "1", "Enable the New Calculation for the credits?", 0, true, 0.0, true, 1.0);
public void OnMapStart()
GetCurrentMap(g_cMap, sizeof(g_cMap));
GetMapDisplayName(g_cMap, g_cMap, sizeof(g_cMap));
g_iTier = Shavit_GetMapTier(g_cMap);
public void Shavit_OnChatConfigLoaded()
Shavit_GetChatStrings(sMessagePrefix, gS_ChatStrings.sPrefix, sizeof(chatstrings_t::sPrefix));
Shavit_GetChatStrings(sMessageText, gS_ChatStrings.sText, sizeof(chatstrings_t::sText));
Shavit_GetChatStrings(sMessageWarning, gS_ChatStrings.sWarning, sizeof(chatstrings_t::sWarning));
Shavit_GetChatStrings(sMessageVariable, gS_ChatStrings.sVariable, sizeof(chatstrings_t::sVariable));
Shavit_GetChatStrings(sMessageVariable2, gS_ChatStrings.sVariable2, sizeof(chatstrings_t::sVariable2));
Shavit_GetChatStrings(sMessageStyle, gS_ChatStrings.sStyle, sizeof(chatstrings_t::sStyle));
public void Shavit_OnTierAssigned(const char[] map, int tier)
g_iTier = tier;
public void Shavit_OnLeaveZone(int client, int zone, int track, int id, int entity)
if (IsClientInGame(client) && IsFakeClient(client))
if (zone == Zone_Start) {
g_iStyle[client] = Shavit_GetBhopStyle(client);
g_fPB[client] = Shavit_GetClientPB(client, g_iStyle[client], track);
g_iCompletions[client] = Shavit_GetClientCompletions(client, g_iStyle[client], track);
public void Shavit_OnFinish(int client, int style, float time, int jumps, int strafes, float sync, int track)
char sStyleSpecialString[sizeof(stylestrings_t::sSpecialString)];
Shavit_GetStyleStrings(style, sSpecialString, sStyleSpecialString, sizeof(sStyleSpecialString));
if (StrContains(sStyleSpecialString, "segments") != -1 || Shavit_GetStyleSettingBool(style,"unranked") == true || Shavit_IsPracticeMode(client) == true)
if (!g_cvTasEnabled.BoolValue)
if (StrContains(sStyleSpecialString, "tas") != -1)
if (g_cvNormalEnabled.BoolValue == true)
if (g_cvT1Enabled.BoolValue == true || g_iTier != 1)
if (track == Track_Main)
if (g_iCompletions[client] == 0)
int iCredits;
if (g_cvNewCalc.BoolValue == true)
iCredits = CalculatePoints(g_cvNormalAmount.IntValue, style);
iCredits = g_cvNormalAmount.IntValue * g_iTier;
Shop_SetClientCredits(client, Shop_GetClientCredits(client) + iCredits);
Shavit_PrintToChat(client, "%t", "NormalFinish", gS_ChatStrings.sVariable, iCredits, gS_ChatStrings.sText);
else if (g_iCompletions[client] >=1)
int iCredits;
if (g_cvNewCalc.BoolValue == true)
iCredits = CalculatePoints(g_cvNormalAmountAgain.IntValue, style);
iCredits = g_cvNormalAmountAgain.IntValue * g_iTier;
Shop_SetClientCredits(client, Shop_GetClientCredits(client) + iCredits);
Shavit_PrintToChat(client, "%t", "NormalFinishAgain", gS_ChatStrings.sVariable, iCredits, gS_ChatStrings.sText);
if (g_cvBNormalEnabled.BoolValue == true)
if (track == Track_Bonus)
if (g_iCompletions[client] == 0)
int iCredits;
if (g_cvNewCalc.BoolValue == true)
iCredits = CalculatePointsBonus(g_cvNormalBAmount.IntValue, style);
iCredits = g_cvNormalBAmount.IntValue;
Shop_SetClientCredits(client, Shop_GetClientCredits(client) + iCredits);
Shavit_PrintToChat(client, "%t", "NormalBonusFinish", gS_ChatStrings.sVariable, iCredits, gS_ChatStrings.sText);
else if (g_iCompletions[client] >=1)
int iCredits;
if (g_cvNewCalc.BoolValue == true)
iCredits = CalculatePointsBonus(g_cvNormalBAmountAgain.IntValue, style);
iCredits = g_cvNormalBAmountAgain.IntValue;
Shop_SetClientCredits(client, Shop_GetClientCredits(client) + iCredits);
Shavit_PrintToChat(client, "%t", "NormalBonusFinishAgain", gS_ChatStrings.sVariable, iCredits, gS_ChatStrings.sText);
if (g_cvEnabledPb.BoolValue == true)
if (time < g_fPB[client])
if (track == Track_Main)
if (g_iCompletions[client] == 0)
int iCredits;
if (g_cvNewCalc.BoolValue == true)
iCredits = CalculatePoints(g_cvPBAmount.IntValue, style);
iCredits = g_cvPBAmount.IntValue * g_iTier;
Shop_SetClientCredits(client, Shop_GetClientCredits(client) + iCredits);
Shavit_PrintToChat(client, "%t", "PersonalBest", gS_ChatStrings.sVariable, iCredits, gS_ChatStrings.sText);
else if (g_iCompletions[client] >=1)
int iCredits;
if (g_cvNewCalc.BoolValue == true)
iCredits = CalculatePoints(g_cvPBAmountAgain.IntValue, style);
iCredits = g_cvPBAmountAgain.IntValue * g_iTier;
Shop_SetClientCredits(client, Shop_GetClientCredits(client) + iCredits);
Shavit_PrintToChat(client, "%t", "PersonalBestAgain", gS_ChatStrings.sVariable, iCredits, gS_ChatStrings.sText);
if (g_cvEnabledBPb.BoolValue == true)
if (time < g_fPB[client])
if (track == Track_Bonus)
if (g_iCompletions[client] == 0)
int iCredits;
if (g_cvNewCalc.BoolValue == true)
iCredits = CalculatePointsBonus(g_cvBPbAmount.IntValue, style);
iCredits = g_cvBPbAmount.IntValue;
Shop_SetClientCredits(client, Shop_GetClientCredits(client) + iCredits);
Shavit_PrintToChat(client, "%t", "BonusPersonalBest", gS_ChatStrings.sVariable, iCredits, gS_ChatStrings.sText);
else if (g_iCompletions[client] >=1)
int iCredits;
if (g_cvNewCalc.BoolValue == true)
iCredits = CalculatePointsBonus(g_cvBPbAmountAgain.IntValue, style);
iCredits = g_cvBPbAmountAgain.IntValue;
Shop_SetClientCredits(client, Shop_GetClientCredits(client) + iCredits);
Shavit_PrintToChat(client, "%t", "BonusPersonalBestAgain", gS_ChatStrings.sVariable, iCredits, gS_ChatStrings.sText);
public void Shavit_OnWorldRecord(int client, int style, float time, int jumps, int strafes, float sync, int track)
char sStyleSpecialString[sizeof(stylestrings_t::sSpecialString)];
Shavit_GetStyleStrings(style, sSpecialString, sStyleSpecialString, sizeof(sStyleSpecialString));
if (StrContains(sStyleSpecialString, "segments") != -1 || Shavit_GetStyleSettingBool(style, "unranked") == true || Shavit_IsPracticeMode(client) == true)
if (!g_cvTasEnabled.BoolValue)
if (StrContains(sStyleSpecialString, "tas") != -1)
if (g_cvWREnabled.BoolValue == true)
if (track == Track_Main)
if (g_iCompletions[client] == 0)
int iCredits;
if (g_cvNewCalc.BoolValue == true)
iCredits = CalculatePoints(g_cvWrAmount.IntValue, style);
iCredits = g_cvWrAmount.IntValue * g_iTier;
Shop_SetClientCredits(client, Shop_GetClientCredits(client) + iCredits);
Shavit_PrintToChat(client, "%t", "WorldRecord", gS_ChatStrings.sVariable, iCredits, gS_ChatStrings.sText);
else if (g_iCompletions[client] >=1)
int iCredits;
if (g_cvNewCalc.BoolValue == true)
iCredits = CalculatePoints(g_cvWrAmountAgain.IntValue, style);
iCredits = g_cvWrAmountAgain.IntValue * g_iTier;
Shop_SetClientCredits(client, Shop_GetClientCredits(client) + iCredits);
Shavit_PrintToChat(client, "%t", "WorldRecordAgain", gS_ChatStrings.sVariable, iCredits, gS_ChatStrings.sText);
if (g_cvBWREnabled.BoolValue == true)
if (track == Track_Bonus)
if (g_iCompletions[client] == 0)
int iCredits;
if (g_cvNewCalc.BoolValue == true)
iCredits = CalculatePointsBonus(g_cvWrBAmount.IntValue, style);
iCredits = g_cvWrBAmount.IntValue;
Shop_SetClientCredits(client, Shop_GetClientCredits(client) + iCredits);
Shavit_PrintToChat(client, "%t", "BonusWorldRecord", gS_ChatStrings.sVariable, iCredits, gS_ChatStrings.sText);
else if (g_iCompletions[client] >=1)
int iCredits;
if (g_cvNewCalc.BoolValue == true)
iCredits = CalculatePointsBonus(g_cvWrBAmountAgain.IntValue, style);
iCredits = g_cvWrBAmountAgain.IntValue;
Shop_SetClientCredits(client, Shop_GetClientCredits(client) + iCredits);
Shavit_PrintToChat(client, "%t", "BonusWorldRecordAgain", gS_ChatStrings.sVariable, iCredits, gS_ChatStrings.sText);
public int CalculatePoints(int cvAmount, int style)
float fResult = (cvAmount * g_iTier) * Shavit_GetStyleSettingFloat(style, "rankingmultiplier");
int iRoundResult = RoundFloat(fResult);
return iRoundResult;
public int CalculatePointsBonus(int cvAmount, int style)
float fResult = cvAmount * Shavit_GetStyleSettingFloat(style, "rankingmultiplier");
int iRoundResult = RoundFloat(fResult);
return iRoundResult;
} |