699 lines
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699 lines
21 KiB
namespace Enums {
export const enum Controls {
NextCamera = 0,
LookLeftRight = 1,
LookUpDown = 2,
LookUpOnly = 3,
LookDownOnly = 4,
LookLeftOnly = 5,
LookRightOnly = 6,
CinematicSlowMo = 7,
FlyUpDown = 8,
FlyLeftRight = 9,
ScriptedFlyZUp = 10,
ScriptedFlyZDown = 11,
WeaponWheelUpDown = 12,
WeaponWheelLeftRight = 13,
WeaponWheelNext = 14,
WeaponWheelPrev = 15,
SelectNextWeapon = 16,
SelectPrevWeapon = 17,
SkipCutscene = 18,
CharacterWheel = 19,
MultiplayerInfo = 20,
Sprint = 21,
Jump = 22,
Enter = 23,
Attack = 24,
Aim = 25,
LookBehind = 26,
Phone = 27,
SpecialAbility = 28,
SpecialAbilitySecondary = 29,
MoveLeftRight = 30,
MoveUpDown = 31,
MoveUpOnly = 32,
MoveDownOnly = 33,
MoveLeftOnly = 34,
MoveRightOnly = 35,
Duck = 36,
SelectWeapon = 37,
Pickup = 38,
SniperZoom = 39,
SniperZoomInOnly = 40,
SniperZoomOutOnly = 41,
SniperZoomInSecondary = 42,
SniperZoomOutSecondary = 43,
Cover = 44,
Reload = 45,
Talk = 46,
Detonate = 47,
HUDSpecial = 48,
Arrest = 49,
AccurateAim = 50,
Context = 51,
ContextSecondary = 52,
WeaponSpecial = 53,
WeaponSpecial2 = 54,
Dive = 55,
DropWeapon = 56,
DropAmmo = 57,
ThrowGrenade = 58,
VehicleMoveLeftRight = 59,
VehicleMoveUpDown = 60,
VehicleMoveUpOnly = 61,
VehicleMoveDownOnly = 62,
VehicleMoveLeftOnly = 63,
VehicleMoveRightOnly = 64,
VehicleSpecial = 65,
VehicleGunLeftRight = 66,
VehicleGunUpDown = 67,
VehicleAim = 68,
VehicleAttack = 69,
VehicleAttack2 = 70,
VehicleAccelerate = 71,
VehicleBrake = 72,
VehicleDuck = 73,
VehicleHeadlight = 74,
VehicleExit = 75,
VehicleHandbrake = 76,
VehicleHotwireLeft = 77,
VehicleHotwireRight = 78,
VehicleLookBehind = 79,
VehicleCinCam = 80,
VehicleNextRadio = 81,
VehiclePrevRadio = 82,
VehicleNextRadioTrack = 83,
VehiclePrevRadioTrack = 84,
VehicleRadioWheel = 85,
VehicleHorn = 86,
VehicleFlyThrottleUp = 87,
VehicleFlyThrottleDown = 88,
VehicleFlyYawLeft = 89,
VehicleFlyYawRight = 90,
VehiclePassengerAim = 91,
VehiclePassengerAttack = 92,
VehicleSpecialAbilityFranklin = 93,
VehicleStuntUpDown = 94,
VehicleCinematicUpDown = 95,
VehicleCinematicUpOnly = 96,
VehicleCinematicDownOnly = 97,
VehicleCinematicLeftRight = 98,
VehicleSelectNextWeapon = 99,
VehicleSelectPrevWeapon = 100,
VehicleRoof = 101,
VehicleJump = 102,
VehicleGrapplingHook = 103,
VehicleShuffle = 104,
VehicleDropProjectile = 105,
VehicleMouseControlOverride = 106,
VehicleFlyRollLeftRight = 107,
VehicleFlyRollLeftOnly = 108,
VehicleFlyRollRightOnly = 109,
VehicleFlyPitchUpDown = 110,
VehicleFlyPitchUpOnly = 111,
VehicleFlyPitchDownOnly = 112,
VehicleFlyUnderCarriage = 113,
VehicleFlyAttack = 114,
VehicleFlySelectNextWeapon = 115,
VehicleFlySelectPrevWeapon = 116,
VehicleFlySelectTargetLeft = 117,
VehicleFlySelectTargetRight = 118,
VehicleFlyVerticalFlightMode = 119,
VehicleFlyDuck = 120,
VehicleFlyAttackCamera = 121,
VehicleFlyMouseControlOverride = 122,
VehicleSubTurnLeftRight = 123,
VehicleSubTurnLeftOnly = 124,
VehicleSubTurnRightOnly = 125,
VehicleSubPitchUpDown = 126,
VehicleSubPitchUpOnly = 127,
VehicleSubPitchDownOnly = 128,
VehicleSubThrottleUp = 129,
VehicleSubThrottleDown = 130,
VehicleSubAscend = 131,
VehicleSubDescend = 132,
VehicleSubTurnHardLeft = 133,
VehicleSubTurnHardRight = 134,
VehicleSubMouseControlOverride = 135,
VehiclePushbikePedal = 136,
VehiclePushbikeSprint = 137,
VehiclePushbikeFrontBrake = 138,
VehiclePushbikeRearBrake = 139,
MeleeAttackLight = 140,
MeleeAttackHeavy = 141,
MeleeAttackAlternate = 142,
MeleeBlock = 143,
ParachuteDeploy = 144,
ParachuteDetach = 145,
ParachuteTurnLeftRight = 146,
ParachuteTurnLeftOnly = 147,
ParachuteTurnRightOnly = 148,
ParachutePitchUpDown = 149,
ParachutePitchUpOnly = 150,
ParachutePitchDownOnly = 151,
ParachuteBrakeLeft = 152,
ParachuteBrakeRight = 153,
ParachuteSmoke = 154,
ParachutePrecisionLanding = 155,
Map = 156,
SelectWeaponUnarmed = 157,
SelectWeaponMelee = 158,
SelectWeaponHandgun = 159,
SelectWeaponShotgun = 160,
SelectWeaponSmg = 161,
SelectWeaponAutoRifle = 162,
SelectWeaponSniper = 163,
SelectWeaponHeavy = 164,
SelectWeaponSpecial = 165,
SelectCharacterMichael = 166,
SelectCharacterFranklin = 167,
SelectCharacterTrevor = 168,
SelectCharacterMultiplayer = 169,
SaveReplayClip = 170,
SpecialAbilityPC = 171,
PhoneUp = 172,
PhoneDown = 173,
PhoneLeft = 174,
PhoneRight = 175,
PhoneSelect = 176,
PhoneCancel = 177,
PhoneOption = 178,
PhoneExtraOption = 179,
PhoneScrollForward = 180,
PhoneScrollBackward = 181,
PhoneCameraFocusLock = 182,
PhoneCameraGrid = 183,
PhoneCameraSelfie = 184,
PhoneCameraDOF = 185,
PhoneCameraExpression = 186,
FrontendDown = 187,
FrontendUp = 188,
FrontendLeft = 189,
FrontendRight = 190,
FrontendRdown = 191,
FrontendRup = 192,
FrontendRleft = 193,
FrontendRright = 194,
FrontendAxisX = 195,
FrontendAxisY = 196,
FrontendRightAxisX = 197,
FrontendRightAxisY = 198,
FrontendPause = 199,
FrontendPauseAlternate = 200,
FrontendAccept = 201,
FrontendCancel = 202,
FrontendX = 203,
FrontendY = 204,
FrontendLb = 205,
FrontendRb = 206,
FrontendLt = 207,
FrontendRt = 208,
FrontendLs = 209,
FrontendRs = 210,
FrontendLeaderboard = 211,
FrontendSocialClub = 212,
FrontendSocialClubSecondary = 213,
FrontendDelete = 214,
FrontendEndscreenAccept = 215,
FrontendEndscreenExpand = 216,
FrontendSelect = 217,
ScriptLeftAxisX = 218,
ScriptLeftAxisY = 219,
ScriptRightAxisX = 220,
ScriptRightAxisY = 221,
ScriptRUp = 222,
ScriptRDown = 223,
ScriptRLeft = 224,
ScriptRRight = 225,
ScriptLB = 226,
ScriptRB = 227,
ScriptLT = 228,
ScriptRT = 229,
ScriptLS = 230,
ScriptRS = 231,
ScriptPadUp = 232,
ScriptPadDown = 233,
ScriptPadLeft = 234,
ScriptPadRight = 235,
ScriptSelect = 236,
CursorAccept = 237,
CursorCancel = 238,
CursorX = 239,
CursorY = 240,
CursorScrollUp = 241,
CursorScrollDown = 242,
EnterCheatCode = 243,
InteractionMenu = 244,
MpTextChatAll = 245,
MpTextChatTeam = 246,
MpTextChatFriends = 247,
MpTextChatCrew = 248,
PushToTalk = 249,
CreatorLS = 250,
CreatorRS = 251,
CreatorLT = 252,
CreatorRT = 253,
CreatorMenuToggle = 254,
CreatorAccept = 255,
CreatorDelete = 256,
Attack2 = 257,
RappelJump = 258,
RappelLongJump = 259,
RappelSmashWindow = 260,
PrevWeapon = 261,
NextWeapon = 262,
MeleeAttack1 = 263,
MeleeAttack2 = 264,
Whistle = 265,
MoveLeft = 266,
MoveRight = 267,
MoveUp = 268,
MoveDown = 269,
LookLeft = 270,
LookRight = 271,
LookUp = 272,
LookDown = 273,
SniperZoomIn = 274,
SniperZoomOut = 275,
SniperZoomInAlternate = 276,
SniperZoomOutAlternate = 277,
VehicleMoveLeft = 278,
VehicleMoveRight = 279,
VehicleMoveUp = 280,
VehicleMoveDown = 281,
VehicleGunLeft = 282,
VehicleGunRight = 283,
VehicleGunUp = 284,
VehicleGunDown = 285,
VehicleLookLeft = 286,
VehicleLookRight = 287,
ReplayStartStopRecording = 288,
ReplayStartStopRecordingSecondary = 289,
ScaledLookLeftRight = 290,
ScaledLookUpDown = 291,
ScaledLookUpOnly = 292,
ScaledLookDownOnly = 293,
ScaledLookLeftOnly = 294,
ScaledLookRightOnly = 295,
ReplayMarkerDelete = 296,
ReplayClipDelete = 297,
ReplayPause = 298,
ReplayRewind = 299,
ReplayFfwd = 300,
ReplayNewmarker = 301,
ReplayRecord = 302,
ReplayScreenshot = 303,
ReplayHidehud = 304,
ReplayStartpoint = 305,
ReplayEndpoint = 306,
ReplayAdvance = 307,
ReplayBack = 308,
ReplayTools = 309,
ReplayRestart = 310,
ReplayShowhotkey = 311,
ReplayCycleMarkerLeft = 312,
ReplayCycleMarkerRight = 313,
ReplayFOVIncrease = 314,
ReplayFOVDecrease = 315,
ReplayCameraUp = 316,
ReplayCameraDown = 317,
ReplaySave = 318,
ReplayToggletime = 319,
ReplayToggletips = 320,
ReplayPreview = 321,
ReplayToggleTimeline = 322,
ReplayTimelinePickupClip = 323,
ReplayTimelineDuplicateClip = 324,
ReplayTimelinePlaceClip = 325,
ReplayCtrl = 326,
ReplayTimelineSave = 327,
ReplayPreviewAudio = 328,
VehicleDriveLook = 329,
VehicleDriveLook2 = 330,
VehicleFlyAttack2 = 331,
RadioWheelUpDown = 332,
RadioWheelLeftRight = 333,
VehicleSlowMoUpDown = 334,
VehicleSlowMoUpOnly = 335,
VehicleSlowMoDownOnly = 336,
MapPointOfInterest = 337
export const enum IntersectOptions {
Everything = -1,
Map = 1,
Mission_Entities = 2,
Peds1 = 12,//4 and 8 both seem to be peds
Objects = 16,
Unk1 = 32,
Unk2 = 64,
Unk3 = 128,
Vegetation = 256,
Unk4 = 512
export const enum NativeReturnTypes {
Int = 0,
UInt = 1,
Long = 2,
ULong = 3,
String = 4,
Vector3 = 5,
Vector2 = 6,
Float = 7,
Bool = 8,
Handle = 9
export const enum WeaponComponent {
RailgunClip01 = 59044840,
CombatPistolClip01 = 119648377,
KnuckleVarmodPlayer = 146278587,
AtArAfGrip = 202788691,
HeavyPistolClip01 = 222992026,
MicroSMGClip02 = 283556395,
GrenadeLauncherClip01 = 296639639,
RevolverVarmodBoss = 384708672,
AtScopeLargeFixedZoom = 471997210,
GusenbergClip01 = 484812453,
Pistol50Clip01 = 580369945,
APPistolClip02 = 614078421,
SMGClip01 = 643254679,
SMGVarmodLuxe = 663170192,
AssaultSMGVarmodLowrider = 663517359,
DBShotgunClip01 = 703231006,
APPistolClip01 = 834974250,
HeavyShotgunClip01 = 844049759,
CombatPDWClip02 = 860508675,
VintagePistolClip02 = 867832552,
SMGClip02 = 889808635,
AtPiFlsh = 899381934,
AdvancedRifleVarmodLuxe = 930927479,
AtScopeSmall02 = 1006677997,
AtScopeMacro02 = 1019656791,
KnuckleVarmodLove = 1062111910,
SniperRifleVarmodLuxe = 1077065191,
CombatPDWClip01 = 1125642654,
VintagePistolClip01 = 1168357051,
MachinePistolClip01 = 1198425599,
HeavySniperClip01 = 1198478068,
MicroSMGVarmodLuxe = 1215999497,
RPGClip01 = 1319465907,
AssaultRifleVarmodLuxe = 1319990579,
MusketClip01 = 1322387263,
KnuckleVarmodDollar = 1351683121,
CompactRifleClip01 = 1363085923,
CompactRifleClip02 = 1509923832,
SwitchbladeVarmodVar1 = 1530822070,
HeavyPistolClip02 = 1694090795,
AtPiSupp02 = 1709866683,
SpecialCarbineClip03 = 1801039530,
CombatPDWClip03 = 1857603803,
SpecialCarbineVarmodLowrider = 1929467122,
AtRailCover01 = 1967214384,
Pistol50VarmodLuxe = 2008591151,
SMGClip03 = 2043113590,
HeavyPistolVarmodLuxe = 2053798779,
KnuckleVarmodVagos = 2062808965,
SNSPistolClip02 = 2063610803,
AtArFlsh = 2076495324,
SpecialCarbineClip02 = 2089537806,
KnuckleVarmodHate = 2112683568,
SNSPistolVarmodLowrider = 2150886575,
MGClip02 = 2182449991,
AtArSupp = 2205435306,
SawnoffShotgunVarmodLuxe = 2242268665,
AssaultShotgunClip02 = 2260565874,
HeavyShotgunClip03 = 2294798931,
AssaultSMGClip01 = 2366834608,
AdvancedRifleClip02 = 2395064697,
CarbineRifleClip02 = 2433783441,
SwitchbladeVarmodBase = 2436343040,
CombatMGVarmodLowrider = 2466172125,
FlareGunClip01 = 2481569177,
RevolverVarmodGoon = 2492708877,
AssaultShotgunClip01 = 2498239431,
HeavyShotgunClip02 = 2535257853,
KnuckleVarmodDiamond = 2539772380,
APPistolVarmodLuxe = 2608252716,
SniperRifleClip01 = 2613461129,
AtScopeMacro = 2637152041,
CarbineRifleClip01 = 2680042476,
AtScopeMedium = 2698550338,
PumpShotgunVarmodLowrider = 2732039643,
AtArSupp02 = 2805810788,
BullpupRifleVarmodLow = 2824322168,
MachinePistolClip03 = 2850671348,
AtScopeSmall = 2855028148,
AssaultRifleClip02 = 2971750299,
BullpupRifleClip02 = 3009973007,
MachinePistolClip02 = 3106695545,
CarbineRifleClip03 = 3127044405,
AssaultSMGClip02 = 3141985303,
AtScopeMax = 3159677559,
AssaultRifleClip01 = 3193891350,
AtPiSupp = 3271853210,
BullpupRifleClip01 = 3315675008,
PoliceTorchFlashlight = 3315797997,
CompactRifleClip03 = 3322377230,
KnuckleVarmodPimp = 3323197061,
CombatPistolVarmodLowrider = 3328527730,
SpecialCarbineClip01 = 3334989185,
SawnoffShotgunClip01 = 3352699429,
MinigunClip01 = 3370020614,
BullpupShotgunClip01 = 3377353998,
MicroSMGClip01 = 3410538224,
MarksmanPistolClip01 = 3416146413,
MarksmanRifleClip02 = 3439143621,
PumpShotgunClip01 = 3513717816,
AtScopeLarge = 3527687644,
CombatPistolClip02 = 3598405421,
CombatMGClip02 = 3603274966,
MGVarmodLowrider = 3604658878,
PistolVarmodLuxe = 3610841222,
MarksmanRifleClip01 = 3627761985,
CarbineRifleVarmodLuxe = 3634075224,
Pistol50Clip02 = 3654528146,
AssaultRifleClip03 = 3689981245,
FlashlightLight = 3719772431,
CombatMGClip01 = 3791631178,
KnuckleVarmodKing = 3800804335,
FireworkClip01 = 3840197261,
AtSrSupp = 3859329886,
SwitchbladeVarmodVar2 = 3885209186,
RevolverClip01 = 3917905123,
GusenbergClip02 = 3939025520,
PistolClip02 = 3978713628,
KnuckleVarmodBallas = 4007263587,
KnuckleVarmodBase = 4081463091,
MGClip01 = 4097109892,
HomingLauncherClip01 = 4162006335,
SNSPistolClip01 = 4169150169,
AdvancedRifleClip01 = 4203716879,
PistolClip01 = 4275109233,
Invalid = 4294967295
export const enum WeaponHash {
SniperRifle = 100416529,
FireExtinguisher = 101631238,
Snowball = 126349499,
VintagePistol = 137902532,
CombatPDW = 171789620,
HeavySniper = 205991906,
MicroSMG = 324215364,
Pistol = 453432689,
PumpShotgun = 487013001,
APPistol = 584646201,
Ball = 600439132,
Molotov = 615608432,
SMG = 736523883,
StickyBomb = 741814745,
PetrolCan = 883325847,
StunGun = 911657153,
HeavyShotgun = 984333226,
Minigun = 1119849093,
GolfClub = 1141786504,
FlareGun = 1198879012,
Flare = 1233104067,
GrenadeLauncherSmoke = 1305664598,
Hammer = 1317494643,
CombatPistol = 1593441988,
Gusenberg = 1627465347,
CompactRifle = 1649403952,
HomingLauncher = 1672152130,
Nightstick = 1737195953,
Railgun = 1834241177,
SawnOffShotgun = 2017895192,
BullpupRifle = 2132975508,
Firework = 2138347493,
CombatMG = 2144741730,
CarbineRifle = 2210333304,
Crowbar = 2227010557,
Flashlight = 2343591895,
Dagger = 2460120199,
Grenade = 2481070269,
Bat = 2508868239,
Pistol50 = 2578377531,
Knife = 2578778090,
MG = 2634544996,
BullpupShotgun = 2640438543,
BZGas = 2694266206,
Unarmed = 2725352035,
GrenadeLauncher = 2726580491,
NightVision = 2803906140,
Musket = 2828843422,
ProximityMine = 2874559379,
AdvancedRifle = 2937143193,
RPG = 2982836145,
SNSPistol = 3218215474,
AssaultRifle = 3220176749,
SpecialCarbine = 3231910285,
Revolver = 3249783761,
MarksmanRifle = 3342088282,
HeavyPistol = 3523564046,
KnuckleDuster = 3638508604,
MachinePistol = 3675956304,
MarksmanPistol = 3696079510,
Machete = 3713923289,
SwitchBlade = 3756226112,
AssaultShotgun = 3800352039,
DoubleBarrelShotgun = 4019527611,
AssaultSMG = 4024951519,
Hatchet = 4191993645,
Bottle = 4192643659,
Parachute = 4222310262,
SmokeGrenade = 4256991824
export const enum WeaponTint {
Normal = 0,
Green = 1,
Gold = 2,
Pink = 3,
Army = 4,
LSPD = 5,
Orange = 6,
Platinum = 7
export const enum Weather {
Unknown = -1,
ExtraSunny = 0,
Clear = 1,
Clouds = 2,
Smog = 3,
Foggy = 4,
Overcast = 5,
Raining = 6,
ThunderStorm = 7,
Clearing = 8,
Neutral = 9,
Snowing = 10,
Blizzard = 11,
Snowlight = 12,
Christmas = 13
export const enum MenuAnchor {
TopLeft = 0,
TopMiddle = 1,
TopRight = 2,
MiddleLeft = 3,
Middle = 4,
// Wut?
TopLeft2 = 5,
MiddleRight = 6,
BottomLeft = 7,
BottomMiddle = 8,
BottomRight = 9
export const enum ExplosionType {
Grenade = 0,
GrenadeL = 1,
StickyBomb = 2,
Molotov1 = 3,
Rocket = 4,
TankShell = 5,
HiOctane = 6,
Car = 7,
Plane = 8,
PetrolPump = 9,
Bike = 10,
Steam = 11,
Flame = 12,
WaterHydrant = 13,
GasCanister = 14,
Boat = 15,
ShipDestroy = 16,
Truck = 17,
Bullet = 18,
SmokeGL = 19,
SmokeG = 20,
BZGas = 21,
Flare = 22,
GasCanister2 = 23,
Extinguisher = 24,
ProgramAR = 25,
Train = 26,
Barrel = 27,
Propane = 28,
Blimp = 29,
FlameExplode = 30,
Tanker = 31,
PlaneRocket = 32,
VehicleBullet = 33,
GasTank = 34,
FireWork = 35,
SnowBall = 36,
ProxMine = 37,
Valkyrie = 38
export const enum EntityType {
Vehicle = 1,
Prop = 2,
Blip = 3,
Marker = 4,
Pickup = 5,
Player = 6,
TextLabel = 7,
Ped = 8,
Particle = 9,
World = 255
export const enum MarkerType {
UpsideDownCone = 0,
VerticalCylinder = 1,
ThickCevronUp = 2,
ThinCevronUp = 3,
CheckeredFlagRect = 4,
CheckeredFlagCircle = 5,
VerticalCircle = 6,
PlaneModel = 7,
LostMCDark = 8,
LostMCLight = 9,
Number0 = 10,
Number1 = 11,
Number2 = 12,
Number3 = 13,
Number4 = 14,
Number5 = 15,
Number6 = 16,
Number7 = 17,
Number8 = 18,
Number9 = 19,
ChevronUpX1 = 20,
ChevronUpX2 = 21,
ChevronUpX3 = 22,
HorizontalCircleFlat = 23,
ReplayIcon = 24,
HorizontalCircleSkinny = 25,
HorizontalCircleArrow = 26,
HorizontalSplitArrowCircle = 27,
DebugSphere = 28,
} |