231 lines
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231 lines
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methodmap DiscordBot < StringMap {
public DiscordBot(const char[] token) {
Handle json = json_object();
json_object_set_new(json, "token", json_string(token));
return view_as<DiscordBot>(json);
public void StopListening() {
json_object_del(this, "listeningChannels");
property float MessageCheckInterval {
public get() {
return JsonObjectGetFloat(this, "messageInterval", 3.0);
public set(float value) {
json_object_set_new(this, "messageInterval", json_real(value));
public native void StartTimer(DiscordChannel Channel, OnChannelMessage fCallback);
* Retrieves a list of Channels the bot is listening to for messages
public Handle GetListeningChannels() {
return json_object_get(this, "listeningChannels");
* Checks if the bot is listening to channel for messages
* @param DiscordChannel Channel
public bool IsListeningToChannel(DiscordChannel Channel) {
char id[32];
Channel.GetID(id, sizeof(id));
Handle hChannels = this.GetListeningChannels();
if(hChannels == null) return false;
for(int i = 0; i < json_array_size(hChannels); i++) {
DiscordChannel tempChannel = view_as<DiscordChannel>(json_array_get(hChannels, i));
static char tempID[32];
tempChannel.GetID(tempID, sizeof(tempID));
if(StrEqual(id, tempID, false)) {
delete tempChannel;
delete hChannels;
return true;
delete tempChannel;
delete hChannels;
return false;
* Checks if the bot is listening to channel for messages
* @param DiscordChannel Channel
public bool IsListeningToChannelID(const char[] id) {
Handle hChannels = this.GetListeningChannels();
if(hChannels == null) return false;
for(int i = 0; i < json_array_size(hChannels); i++) {
DiscordChannel tempChannel = view_as<DiscordChannel>(json_array_get(hChannels, i));
static char tempID[32];
tempChannel.GetID(tempID, sizeof(tempID));
if(StrEqual(id, tempID, false)) {
delete tempChannel;
delete hChannels;
return true;
delete tempChannel;
delete hChannels;
return false;
* Stops the bot from listening to that channel for messages
* @param DiscordChannel Channel
public void StopListeningToChannel(DiscordChannel Channel) {
char id[32];
Channel.GetID(id, sizeof(id));
Handle channels = this.GetListeningChannels();
if(channels == null) return;
for(int i = 0; i < json_array_size(channels); i++) {
DiscordChannel tempChannel = view_as<DiscordChannel>(json_array_get(channels, i));
static char tempID[32];
tempChannel.GetID(tempID, sizeof(tempID));
if(StrEqual(id, tempID, false)) {
json_array_remove(channels, i);
delete tempChannel;
delete channels;
* Stops the bot from listening to that channel id for messages
* @param DiscordChannel Channel
public void StopListeningToChannelID(const char[] id) {
Handle channels = this.GetListeningChannels();
if(channels == null) return;
for(int i = 0; i < json_array_size(channels); i++) {
DiscordChannel tempChannel = view_as<DiscordChannel>(json_array_get(channels, i));
static char tempID[32];
tempChannel.GetID(tempID, sizeof(tempID));
if(StrEqual(id, tempID, false)) {
json_array_remove(channels, i);
delete tempChannel;
delete channels;
public DiscordChannel GetListeningChannelByID(const char[] id) {
Handle channels = this.GetListeningChannels();
if(channels == null) return null;
for(int i = 0; i < json_array_size(channels); i++) {
DiscordChannel tempChannel = view_as<DiscordChannel>(json_array_get(channels, i));
static char tempID[32];
tempChannel.GetID(tempID, sizeof(tempID));
if(StrEqual(id, tempID, false)) {
delete channels;
return tempChannel;
delete channels;
return null;
* Start listening to the channel for messages.
* The Channel handle is duplicated. Feel free to close yours.
* @param DiscordChannel Channel
public void StartListeningToChannel(DiscordChannel Channel, OnChannelMessage fCallback) {
if(this.IsListeningToChannel(Channel)) return;
Handle channels = this.GetListeningChannels();
if(channels == null) {
channels = json_array();
json_object_set(this, "listeningChannels", channels);
json_array_append(channels, Channel);
//Handle fForward = CreateForward(ET_Ignore, Param_Cell, Param_Cell, Param_String, Param_String, Param_String, Param_String, Param_String, Param_Cell);
//AddToForward(fForward, GetMyHandle(), callback);
this.StartTimer(Channel, fCallback);
public native void AddReactionID(const char[] channel, const char[] messageid, const char[] emoji);
public void AddReaction(DiscordChannel channel, const char[] messageid, const char[] emoji) {
char channelid[64];
channel.GetID(channelid, sizeof(channelid));
this.AddReactionID(channelid, messageid, emoji);
public native void DeleteReactionID(const char[] channel, const char[] messageid, const char[] emoji, const char[] user);
public void DeleteReaction(DiscordChannel channel, const char[] messageid, const char[] emoji, const char[] user) {
char chid[64];
channel.GetID(chid, sizeof(chid));
this.DeleteReactionID(chid, messageid, emoji, user);
public void DeleteReactionSelf(DiscordChannel channel, const char[] messageid, const char[] emoji) {
this.DeleteReaction(channel, messageid, emoji, "@me");
public void DeleteReactionAll(DiscordChannel channel, const char[] messageid, const char[] emoji) {
this.DeleteReaction(channel, messageid, emoji, "@all");
public void DeleteReactionSelfID(const char[] channel, const char[] messageid, const char[] emoji) {
this.DeleteReactionID(channel, messageid, emoji, "@me");
public void DeleteReactionAllID(const char[] channel, const char[] messageid, const char[] emoji) {
this.DeleteReactionID(channel, messageid, emoji, "@all");
public native void GetReactionID(const char[] channel, const char[] messageid, const char[] emoji, OnGetReactions fCallback=INVALID_FUNCTION, any data=0);
public void GetReaction(DiscordChannel channel, const char[] messageid, const char[] emoji, OnGetReactions fCallback=INVALID_FUNCTION, any data=0) {
char id[64];
channel.GetID(id, sizeof(id));
this.GetReactionID(id, messageid, emoji, fCallback, data);
public native void GetToken(char[] token, int maxlength);
public native void SendMessage(DiscordChannel channel, char[] message, OnMessageSent fCallback=INVALID_FUNCTION, any data=0);
public native void SendMessageToChannelID(char[] channel, char[] message, OnMessageSent fCallback=INVALID_FUNCTION, any data=0);
public native void DeleteMessageID(char[] channel, char[] message, OnMessageDeleted fCallback=INVALID_FUNCTION, any data=0);
public native void DeleteMessage(DiscordChannel channel, DiscordMessage message, OnMessageDeleted fCallback=INVALID_FUNCTION, any data=0);
public native void GetGuilds(DiscordGuildsRetrieve fCallback = INVALID_FUNCTION, DiscordGuildsRetrievedAll fCallbackAll = INVALID_FUNCTION, any data=0);
public native void GetGuildChannels(char[] guild, DiscordGuildChannelsRetrieve fCallback = INVALID_FUNCTION, DiscordGuildChannelsRetrieveAll fCallbackAll = INVALID_FUNCTION, any data=0);
* ATM takes guild id, hopefully later on i will implement guild objects.
* Limit is from 1-1000
public native void GetGuildMembers(char[] guild, OnGetMembers fCallback, int limit=250, char[] afterUserID="");
* Same as above but displays ALL members, paginating automatically.
* perPage is how many it should display per callback. 1-1000
public native void GetGuildMembersAll(char[] guild, OnGetMembers fCallback, int perPage=250, char[] afterUserID="");
public native void GetGuildRoles(char[] guild, DiscordGuildGetRoles fCallback, any data);